Montag, 22. August 2011


Half past nine and I'm not sleepy.
I actually need serious sleep, which means I need 8 hours or more rest time.
But I just don't feel sleepy, yet.

I miss my baby boo
So much.
Entah mengapa akhir-akhir ini aku merasa jahat banget.
I lately blamed and scolded him for some random reasons that shouldn't be fought over.
he kept him patiences and held him angers.
Aku terus2an badmood, marah2 ga jelas, & seriously aku ngerasa banget kalo aku moody.
Tapi dia sabar banget yaAllah..

I hate being too sensitive like this. Easily crying. I should be more strong than now

makasih buat pengertian dan udah mau nemenin aku yang lagi galau :*