apa itu rindu?
definisi paling umum dikemukakan adalah "ya ngerasa pengen ketemu aja!"
ato "rindu itu kalo tiba2 keinget sama dia."
bener semua kok.Tapi aku juga punya pendapat sendiri.
buatku rindu itu suatu keadaan dimana 2 hati tetep bersama walaupun secara fisik ga bareng.
rindu itu ga bakal terjadi kalo ga ada kontak batin yg frekuental *ecieeeeee
why does 'missing' exit?
to bond.
supaya kedua belah pihak tetep merasa membutuhkan satu sama lain.
supaya masing-masing mengertibahwa mereka tergantikan.
i'm missing someone.
someone who brightnes my days,
colors it up.
someone who gives me smiles n teras.
someone who broke my heart n put it all back.
someone who i never throught i'd fall for,i'd sacrificed for.
someone who had been welcomed by my protectotive mom since the first time both of them been introduced.
someone who realized what it feels like to be fallen in love with me.
someone who wants & tries to be mature, even he knows it would be really hard to change his habit.
someeone who makes me feel a kind of bizarre love
someone who hug me tight till i got breathless.
that kind of love which makes him,even how imperfect he is, seems so perfect in my eyes.
that kind of love which beats yrself centered personality,your egoism,your selfishness.
yes.my first love.
he's my first and i will always hope that he'll be the last person for.
exactly,it means i want him to always be mine.
even after those tears and wounds he had ever made,
even after those irrevocably pains he had even given,
even after those betrayas he had ever done,
even after those disloyalities he had ever showed,
even after those broken promises he had ever denied.
i still love him.
i am still in love with him, and i will always be.