Sonntag, 21. August 2011

Mind washed,heart wounded

If you could imagine: 
A girl in an over-sized black tee,
laying under a superbig dark maroon blanket,
on the dark maroon queen-sized bed,
hugging a medium brown teddy
with swollen eyes and fast breaths,
and composing a new post for her blog,
that must be me.

I just don't know where should I begin to spill this shits out.
It's awkward when you wanted to write about something, but yer hands just couldn't type it.
Like you've already hurt by only thinking about it, and that made yer hands (including yer fingers) shaking and you couldn't help yrself.
If only you all could see me, instead of reading my blog, you could see my fingers.
It feels like my fingers don't even have a gut to write, feels like my fingers aren't strong enough. My fingers become so limp.

Last night, midnight to be exact, I had a fight.
With him.
So it was all about broken promises.
I was so mad because he seemed like underestimating every promise he has made to me.
I feel like....idk, it felt like burning here inside.
I told him for not making promises when he himself doesn't even sure he could keep his promises.
He was mad and he said I couldn't accept him and all his flaws, like I never satisfied of what he had done.
Now if you could think logically,
Does 'Breaking promises' could be categorized as one of people's flaw? No.
'Breaking promises' is a habit.
It can be changed. (««« YOU should read this.)

I was kinda speechless and totally irritated when I saw his reactions.
I mean, I was the one who should be mad, not him.
The one who broke most of his own promises was him and I was the victim.
But I was being scolded and blamed too.
He just didn't appreciate things I did which were actually for his own goods.
I try to help him to be a better person, to have better personality, to be a maturer person.
So that someday, he won't be left by his girlfriends because of his bad habits.

What's the point of caring about someone who doesn't even want to be cared about?
What's the point of trying to make the best out of someone who doesn't even appreciate what I've been trying to?