Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2011


Tepat Hari ini (27 Okt) merupakan "HARI LISTRIK DUNIA" dan

Keep your energy and your min
d :)

Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2011

random just random

hell ho fellows! i finally come back ♥
so, i just got a kind of not super sweet day. you know, when everything seemed got right into the place
hmm, I'll start from the beginning.

pagi kuliah trs lia nothing special sih
ga tau sebenernya sih mau nulis apa -___-

oh iyaa sekarang tuh h-2 loh
almost 19,and soon in this month its gonna be 20,hell noo,i need my sweet 16 age back! -___-"

QOUTES OF THE DAY "A little bit of danger is what makes life worth living."

Montag, 24. Oktober 2011

bukan harapan namun hanya sebuah ekspetasi

Puas2kanlah bersama dia.
Karena aku tau, cepat atau lambat kau akan kembali padaku.
Kau pikir aku bisa dibohongi dengan kabar yang kau buat seakan-akan kau bahagia bersamanya.
Suaramu tengah malam tanggal tujuh belas september kemarin cukup memberitahuku betapa jengahnya kau bersama dia.
Dia yang tak mengertimu, dia yang masih sangat bersifat kekanakan.
Dia yang bahkan tidak bisa berkompromi dengan segala keinginanmu.
Betapa dia memaksamu untk menjadi yang dia inginkan tanpa memperdulikan betapa inginnya kau untuk didengar, diperhatikan.
Hembusan hela nafasmu cukup jelas terdengar dari seberang.
Aku disini berdiri diantara dua,
Antara memberi perempuanmu sedikit pengertian, namun aku tak mau dianggap terlalu ikut dalam urusanmu.
Terkadang aku ingin tertawa, betapa kau coba untuk bertahan hidup tanpaku,
Sedangkan bukan hanya aku atau kau saja yang tahu, namun semua orang,
bahwa hanya dirikulah yng mampu membunuh semua ego untukmu.
Hanya dirikulah yang mampu mengertimu.
Hanya dirikulah yang bisa mencintaimu apa adanya seperti dirimu sendiri.
Cepat atau lambat, aku yakin, kau akan kembali padaku.

Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2011

hell-o october :))

Garing ah.... -_-
Ehem, hai :)
Sok cool.
Hm..... -___- mboh ah

Mau posting tentang apa ya... Oiya.
Mau curhat.
Duh perasaanku emang ga menentu yah?
Kadang pengen ini, kadang pengen itu.
Gak gak gak. Sekarang udah fixed.
I won't go back to the past.
No more F. Period. Titik. Sekian. Tamat.
Memulai lembar baru aja, move on yang total gitu lho!
Saatnya mencari pasangan baru. #aih #ups

Hidupku...diabsen aja yah aspek2nya.
☞ kuliah. Fine, cuma tinggal nunggu midterm tests to those dosen.
☞ Friends. Great! Just had a blasting weekend with them :)
☞ Love life. Ah ya begitulah, nothing to be shared. Secara aku single kan yaa♪ 

oct wish please be nice to me,my career,study,love n everything like month ago

almost 19,and soon in this month its gonna be 20,hell noo,i need my sweet 16 age back!

Sonntag, 16. Oktober 2011


watched the first half of germany vs belgium early morning.
Germany looked all the same:efficient,discipline,consistent and unstoppable.
that's why i really really love germany

Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2011


apa itu rindu?
definisi paling umum dikemukakan adalah "ya ngerasa pengen ketemu aja!"
ato "rindu itu kalo tiba2 keinget sama dia."
bener semua kok.Tapi aku juga punya pendapat sendiri.
buatku rindu itu suatu keadaan dimana 2 hati tetep bersama walaupun secara fisik ga bareng.
rindu itu ga bakal terjadi kalo ga ada kontak batin yg frekuental *ecieeeeee
why does 'missing' exit?
to bond.
supaya kedua belah pihak tetep merasa membutuhkan satu sama lain.
supaya masing-masing mengertibahwa mereka tergantikan.

i'm missing someone.
someone who brightnes my days,
colors it up.
someone who gives me smiles n teras.
someone who broke my heart n put it all back.
someone who i never throught i'd fall for,i'd sacrificed for.
someone who had been welcomed by my protectotive mom since the first time both of them been introduced.
someone who realized what it feels like to be fallen in love with me.
someone who wants & tries to be mature, even he knows it would be really hard to change his habit.
someeone who makes me feel a kind of bizarre love
someone who hug me tight till i got breathless.
that kind of love  which makes him,even how imperfect he is, seems so perfect in my eyes.
that kind of love which beats yrself centered personality,your egoism,your selfishness. first love.
he's my first and i will always hope that he'll be the last person for.
exactly,it means i want him to always be mine.
even after those tears and wounds he had ever made,
even after those irrevocably pains he had even given,
even after those betrayas he had ever done,
even after those disloyalities he had ever showed,
even after those broken promises he had ever denied.

i still love him.
i am still in love with him, and i will always be.